Rose City Wellness Week (2019)
An annual wellness program series focused on the eight dimensions of wellness.
The second-year welcomed Nicole Early as a co-founder. This time we took a more hands-on approach curating all eight programs for the week. These programs were produced in partnership with other organizers that had an interest or expertise in that particular subject. My role consisted of the overall management of the week, securing and coordinating partnerships, and promoting the week. At the beginning of 2020, I wanted to turn my focus towards the fragmented Asian American community in Portland, Oregon, and signed over complete ownership of the the program to Nicole Early.
Programs: 8 directly produced, 2 open-houses
200+ Attendees: across the week
30+ Partners: program partners, sponsors, vendors, and volunteers
1,000 Fliers: posted all over Portland, Oregon
100,000+ Social Media Impressions
1 Interview (Real Talk with Gio)
Notable partners included: Vida Co-Working, Rose Haven, For the Love PDX, Marmoset, Lumi Wellness, Musicians of Portland